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This business idea is for making and marketing of tooth brushes. Toothbrushes are important for safeguarding teeth and cleaning the accessible surface, which helps prevent tooth decay and maintain dental hygiene and freshness. They have a wide market structure especially in urban areas throughout the year and can be made in different shapes and sizes. The business idea is premised on production of 260,000 toothbrushes per month which translates into 3,120,000 tooth brushes per annum and this is on the basis of 312 working days in a year and 8-hour single work shifts in working day. The revenue

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Air fresheners are consumer products that mitigate unpleasant odors within indoor spaces. They can be in form of candles, sprays and gel and can also be used as a deodorant. They are an item that both household and public offices can’t seem to do without. The freshener is also commonly used in both public and home toilets. The production capacity is estimated at 200 pieces per day, monthly production of 5,200 pieces and annual production of 62,400 which yields the total revenue US$124,800 per year, and gives birth to US$ 10,862 as profit margin.

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This profile envisages the establishment of a plant that will produce laundry liquid soap based on the capacity of 267 liters per day. The liquid laundry soap maybe used in hand or machine washing, that’s why it’s called laundry soap.

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It usually a waxy paste or cream used to polish, shine, water proof or improve and restore the appearance of leather footwear and products and it is used in both liquid and semi solid form. Shoe polish is not only used on footwear but can also be applied to all leather materials including bags, etc. The most prominent type of shoe polish, Kiwi, is imported and this gives local producers a chance to start producing shoe polish. Project capacity is 60,000 kgs annually with revenue estimated at US$ 996 per year.

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The extraction of eucalyptus oil is an agro-based technology. The eucalyptus botanical name is eucalyptus citriodora. It is grown in almost all the districts of Uganda. It is propagated through seeds and transplanted after 40-45 days. The harvest is in every 3-4months and economic life of the plant is more than 10years. The yield is 80kg of oil/ha and it is a fast growing tree that reaches a height of about 25 to 40 meters. The revenue estimate is US $ 568 per annum from production capacity of 6,240kg and an investment of US $ 24,075. Eucalyptus oil is used in a variety of industries including

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A disinfectant is basically an agent, which destroys pathogenic organisms. A good disinfectant should also be a deodorant possessing good shelf qualities and it should be effective against a host of microorganisms. The project cost is US$223,144, with production capacity of 50,000kgs per year with estimated revenue of US$999 annually.